Tuesday, April 03, 2007

This just in....

I'm going to be having a book signing on April 28th at a Hastings book store in Russellville, Ark.

I'm thrilled about this because:

1) my parents can see me sign books in their home town. (Not that I sign books in any particularly interesting way, but hey it's what I'm doing these days.)

2) it's an excuse to go see my parents.

And 3) I wasn't able to do this after my first book came out because I was uncomfortably pregnant. I had a bit of a difficult recovery after a c-section and so I wasn't traveling afterward for awhile either. This trip is a reminder that after feeling pretty bad for a long time, I'm feeling good again. (And I've got a cute little guy to show for all my trouble.)


Gawynn said...

Hello Mrs. Bartlett!

I'm the Book Manager at the Russellville, AR Hastings; I just wanted to stop by and tell you what a pleasure it is to have you scheduled to appear in our store. I met your parents briefly (shortly after your first book came out), and they're really nice. They seemed really proud of you.

I wanted to be able to meet you, but unfortunately, I have a Praxis II exam scheduled that I can't miss. However, I will try to stop by when I'm finished, in case you're still there.

We're excited to have you, and we have your books all ready to go! If there's anything you need, just let us know.


James R. Smith
Book Manager
HAST 9686 (Russellville, AR)

Beverly Bartlett said...

Dear Mr. Smith,

Thank you so much! I'm really thrilled about this. I've been meaning to contact you about whether there is anything I should be doing to publicize the event. If you want to talk more privately, email me at b_bartlett@bellsouth.net.

And good luck with the exam! I hope it goes well!


Anonymous said...

Hello Beverly,
I also work at Hastings in Russellville. James has told me about your book signing and we ARE excited that you will be at our store. I also work at the public library and have made sure we will have both of your books.

See you soon,
Jackie Blaney

Beverly Bartlett said...

Thank you so much! (I'm sorry it took me awhile to respond. I've been having some internet problems lately!)

It's always such an honor to be included in library collections! I can't wait to meet you! This is going to be so much fun!

Anonymous said...

Hello again, just letting you know I found your MySpace and left a comment!
Jackie Blaney