Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Reading again

I've had a couple of rough years for reading.

I had a yucky pregnancy, in which reading made me sort of, well, sick. And then I had a baby, which meant that I had to start trading precious sleep time in order to read. Like a lot of new parents, I found that I wasn't staying up late with a book as often as I used to.

But recently, I've started doing better. The baby's older. Sometimes he'll play quietly at my feet and let me read a few pages. We had an easy beach vacation and I was able to get some reading in there too.

During the reading drought, I hated long books. It would take me forever to get through 450 pages. By the time, I finished a book I couldn't remember how it started! But now that I'm reading more quickly, I love getting lost in a 700 page world like Wideacre, the current Philippa Gregory book I'm reading.

And I loved The DaVinci Code. Now I know what all the fuss was about!

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