Tuesday, January 29, 2008

The key to the universe -- book covers!

My kindergarten son recently wanted money to purchase a book that was being sold at school. The book seemed a bit ambitious for him. It is Stephen Hawking's children's book, George's Secret Key to the Universe.

But I figured the purchase would support the school and my son does like space, so I sent him off with his money.

He came home absolutely elated about the book. He told me that when he first heard about the book at a school assembly, he thought it was just going to be "an ordinary book." He said he thought it would be short and like the other books, mostly illustrated children's stories, that we read him at night. "But as soon as I held in my hands," he said, "I saw that it was totally awesome."

My husband noted that "apparently, you can judge a book by its cover." And I vowed to always be VERY nice to the people designing my covers!